This picture is carp-shaped streamer, in Japanese "koinobori". Koinoborio is a mark that there is a boy in a family and they tell the God that please protect him from somthing bad. In additoin, a carp is the creature that can live in any conditinon, even if they are ont only in a crean stream but also a pond. For this reason, display of koinobori means the wishes of family that children will grow up strong as a carp. Moreover, the Chinese tradition describes that the carp climbed in a fast river, rose in waterwall and transform into a dragon. These are the explanations of carp-shaped streamer!!
1 件のコメント:
I am wondering if you might want to add some introductory remarks about your blog so that readers understand who you are and what you are doing in the blog.
I am a little confused as to why you are discussing koinobori now (instead of in early May). The same goes for the New Year's posting. Both are interesting aspects of Japan, but the timing of your text is a little odd.
Also, your descriptions seem a little generic. What can you, as a Japanese person, add to make the descriptions of these events more interesting and something different that one might find in a guide book? Take advantage of your position as a native anthropologist. I know you have good things to say and share.
Please put the title of your blog at the top of the layout.
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