

This picture was taken in my hometown, Toyohashi, Aichi. Have you ever been to Aichi? ;)

This picture describes a park, but this park is not usual!! Usually this park is used by a lot of childen who come to the park with their mother rather than father. At that time, their mother talk with each other about neighbors while they watch thier children play. Especially, they talk about not so good content, in short, rumor!! The rumor easily spread over the town because they talk to their family about the information taht they get in this park, and their family speak to their friends.

So, please be careful not to do something bad when you come to my hometown!! ;)

1 件のコメント:

visual gonthros さんのコメント...

I like this post the best so far as you are describing people and what they do. I'd like more details about the mothers' and children's activities. Is the gossip always bad? What function does such gossip, or the mothers meeting to talk, serve? Perhaps you can talk about the park debut? Also, how about a photo of the park with people in it?
