
Toyohashi Shrine!!

This picture was taken in my hometown, too. It shows Toyohashi shrine.

Usually, nothing happen in this place, but once a year in October the festival is held there. At that time, neighbors come here and see a lot of fireworks. However, the fireworks that are played in this place are a little bit different. The way of fireworks is that people hold a cylinder tha t was rolled with rope and the fireworks are fired from the top of it. It is not that everybody can do this fireworks. People who can do fireworks only take part in chounaikai.

If you want to do fireworks, please join chounaikai!!

1 件のコメント:

visual gonthros さんのコメント...

I am happy to learn about your home town and its shrine. Can you describe more about chounaikai? Is October really the only time when something happens at the shrine? Can you tell me anything more about the people who go to the shrine?
