
Japanese dolls

In this time, I try to write about Japanese dolls because I think these dolls represent a Japanese traditional peculiar art.

Japanese dolls, symbolized clay figures and clay images, were used for religion and magic, and the use of these dolls gradually were changed into tools that children played with. Moreover, adults enjoyed appreciating these dolls. In Heian period, these dolls were very simple ones like dolls that were made by plant and grass for escape from the plague, but through technical development, these dolls refined and were changed into more elaborate ones than before.

The dolls displayed on the Girl's Festival days and the Imperial Palace doll as representive dolls in Japan were made by the synthesis of industrial arts technique at that time, these dolls almost were completed by the Edo era. In the Edo era, the world in Japan that was subject to samurai applyed national isolation. Japanese traditional culture was established under this situation foe 300 years. Today, Japanese have very typical custom to love and cherish dolls in daily life such as the Doll's Festival on March 3, the Boy's Festival and so on.

Moreover, the characteristic of dolls in this era remarkably had the point that the dolls were made with the image of dynastic beauty of Heian period in spite of samurai political power.The any kind od dolls in this period were bugun to make around the Imperial Palace and Kyoto, and these dolls were prevalent to parts of the prefecture.

1 件のコメント:

visual gonthros さんのコメント...

I think dolls are an interesting topic. But you do a very quick and overly-general histry lesson with regards to your subject. Are you starting off talking about haniwa and dogu? And then you jump to the Heian period, then Edo? You talk about hina dolls as well, right? But why no pictures of them? What are your pictures of?